Open Data / Performance Analytics Launch Toolkit

About This Toolkit

Cities across the country are making significant investments in opening data for internal and external consumption. Many of them are also using data for analysis and performance management. These efforts are highly valued and appreciated by stakeholders involved in policy making and front-line operations.

To help your initiative become deeply rooted in the community, it requires a wide and engaged audience beyond the walls of city hall. This can be achieved by building awareness and cultivating civic pride among community members, inspiring them to take action and connect with your hard work, and sharing the innovative work happening in your city in an accessible and engaging way. This toolkit will help you develop and implement marketing communications efforts to support the launch of your open data and/or performance analytics program.

This toolkit will take you through three steps:

  1. Develop a plan
  2. Spread the word about your initiative
  3. Create engagement and buzz

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